As the name itself implies, this massage is designed for both professional athletes, as well as recreational exercisers. Sports massage is a treatment that is very effective in preventing injuries and keeping you in great shape. As so, it is commonly used before, during, and after big sports events and training. Any person who exercises can use it to increase flexibility and prevent injuries, but it can also be used to help and speed up the process of healing following some injuries. With techniques used in Sports massage, we can treat a variety of injuries such as soft tissue injuries, ankle sprains, strained muscles, swelling, inflammation, and fatigue.
Here in Total Recovery, we start the treatment with the Cryomassage in a traditional way- using the frozen wooden sticks. They reduce blood flow to a particular area, which helps cut back the inflammation and swelling that causes pain and discomfort. Since it acts locally, the treatment is less unpleasant, and the feeling of the cold quickly becomes pleasant. As a result of exposure of tissues to the ice, the body sends new blood enriched with oxygen to the treated places. Following, we perform a manual deep tissue massage with passive stretching. This technique distributes the blood evenly into the tissues and muscles, which results in regeneration and recovery of your body. In addition to our Sports massage, we also apply Compression therapy, a technique commonly used by professional athletes.
Duration: 30 minutes / 45 minutes / 60 minutes/ 90 minutes/ 120 minutes
Focus area: The whole body, with an emphasis on the large muscle groups of the back and legs
Recommended combination: Sports massage + Zero body, Sports massage + Head & Shoulder massage, Sports massage + Asian massage
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Vi kan effektivt evaluere og behandle din smerte, stress, utmattelse eller andre problemer av denne art du måtte ha. Vårt oppdrag er å gi deg en full fysisk og mental overhaling og å bringe kropp og sinn tilbake i balanse.