Head & shoulder massage

If you have a stiff neck and feel some tension in your shoulders that only means one thing: It’s time for a Head & shoulder massage.
There are plenty of reasons that lead to problems in these areas, such as sleeping in the wrong position, sharp, sudden movements, built-up stress, or the most frequent one- you are spending too much time sitting behind your desk in an incorrect position. Unfortunately, nowadays that is a common practice for a lot of us. Especially since the pandemic, when many people left their offices and switched to working from home, where they don’t have the right equipment for sitting long hours. That’s why here in our salon, we are particularly focused on the recovery of the head and shoulder area. To treat them, restore the energy and enhance the mobility of these areas, we perform the Head & shoulder massage. This type of massage is successfully treating headaches, neck stiffness, shoulder tension, inflammation processes, muscle pain, and reduced mobility in your upper part. You can think of this massage as a natural painkiller.
Our skilled therapists are combining a series of strokes, rubs, and gentle pressures applied to the sources of discomfort. These massage techniques treat not only your head and shoulders but also the surrounding areas such as your face, neck, and upper arms while stimulating the nerves, loosening up tight muscles, relaxing superficial tissues and removing both physical, and emotional stress.
And last, but not least, only in our salon, while you’re enjoying the Head & shoulder massage, we treat the down part of your body with Compressive therapy. By doing so we get maximum efficiency and utilization of your precious time.

Duration: 30 minutes / 45 minutes/ 60 minutes/ 90 minutes

Focus area: Shoulders, neck, head, face

Recommended combination: Head & shoulder + Oil massage, Head & shoulder + Zero body, Head & shoulder + Foot massage,Head & shoulder + Asian massage

*Note: Every treatment begins with a short conversation with our therapist about your current health conditions. By doing so, we can create an individualized treatment plan for your total recovery.

The benefits

Reduces muscle tension
Reduces headache
Calming the nervous system
Stress relief
Better concentration
Better neck circulation
Improves sleep
Improves neck mobility
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Zero Body
dry floating

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